
Make A Playlist From Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud And More With Minilogs

MinilogsOur sister music blog The Blue Walrus made its name over the past six years by not only sourcing some of the best new music about, but also making mixtapes and playlists to let people listen to various new bands on their own terms.

Back in 2006/7 before Soundcloud and Bandcamp were on the scene, music bloggers just shared mp3s – making the whole exercise somewhat legally dubious. But now that everyone has their music available to stream on Soundcloud or Youtube or Vimeo or somewhere else, mashing them all together into playlists has been pretty much impossible.

This is where Parisian web service Minilogs comes in – letting you add streaming media from a huge array of sources spread across the web into a single playlist. Perfect for making playlists of songs that are only available for streaming because they are still unreleased, or just for putting together something for a party when you want to put on some music a little more individual than you can find on Spotify or one of its competitors.

Here’s an example of just such a Minilogs playlists from the band Decibels with the streams from Youtube, Vimeo, and Soundcloud:

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