
Seven reasons to use ERP software in pharmaceutical applications


Quality control is essential to the success of pharmaceutical companies. As customers learn that they can rely on the provider of pharmaceuticals, they bring their own return business and often spread the word to friends and family. On the other hand, when mistakes are made in this industry, the results often include a significant loss of business and can be very costly. The wrong mistake might even lead to pulled credentials. The right ERP software does more than prevent these mistakes. It does more than bring the pharmaceutical company into compliance with industry regulations. In fact, there are several important benefits to enjoy with carefully chosen software.

Increase quality control

Improving quality control goes beyond watching out for mistakes. This system is implemented to identify standards of behavior and operation and develops methods for maintaining those standards. Software with this capability will test samples at random or programmed intervals. Quality control is used to ensure that products and services conform to specific established criteria and that the products and services keep pace with client expectations.

Monitor distribution

Monitoring product distribution is a crucial part of business within pharmaceutical companies. The cost of medications and the potential for harm are high. Tracking product distribution with little to no margin for error is the only acceptable answer for these businesses.

>Monitor and conform to regulatory controls

Many industries are governed by regulatory controls. The controls put into place for pharmaceutical transactions are involved and sometimes difficult to track. These controls often involve class divisions and specific rules within those divisions. For products and medications, there are other divisions and specific headings established to oversee the administration and patient access. ERP software provides an efficient way to ensure adherence to regulatory authority controls.

Enhance visibility

Visibility is important to administrators and staff members. Whether the goal is to move upward within the company or administrators hope to improve their awareness of company practices, visibility is essential. Software puts numbers, interactions, and other employee actions into an easily-seen format.

Increase efficiency

Perhaps one of the most important benefits provided by ERP software is the ability to improve the efficiency between various production lines. With a tendency among businesses to outsource, production facilities have to compensate in order to compete. This means utilizing the best hiring practices, improving efficiency, and recognizing tactics that work.

Control inventory levels

Related to production line efficiency is the ability to control inventory levels and reduce the amount of expired stock. The costs associated with warehousing, itemizing, and caring for stock, as well as disposing expired stock can mount quickly. With software that tracks the inventory, it is much easier to order appropriately and keep levels of excess or expired stock low.

Complete traceability

Finally, the advantage of achieving full traceability throughout the pharmaceutical company and its many levels of manufacture provides accountability and a clear source of facts to measure the success of the company. For organization, the support of key business operations, customer services, production schedules, and many other aspects of the company, the software provides a comprehensive answer.

Real-life examples

There are plenty of real-life examples that show how ERP software can improve the way that pharmaceutical companies operate. With record-keeping requirements and industry standards regulated, with inventory to order and warehouse, and with appropriate levels of visibility to maintain, the use of software might mean the difference between an endless struggle and success. www.TGILTD.com offers a wide variety of ERP software for almost any industry.

Photograph by the University of Liverpool