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Apple Tells Samsung How To Avoid Copying

Apple vs Samsung s

Apple vs Samsung LitigationI’ve complained about the utter ridiculousness of Apple‘s claims that Samsung were breaking the law by making their devices look similar in the past – but it seems Apple was very serious indeed. In its legal brief for its lawsuit against Samsung in the US – Apple gave Samsung some very helpful tips on how to avoid copying “their” style in the future.

In s.40-41 of their brief (on p8 for those looking), Apple lists the following options for smartphones:

…and the following options for tablets:

Very helpful there Apple. So if Samsung wants to avoid copying you for smart devices (which I repeat for the umpteenth time that you did *not* invent) then they should basically aim to make them look like footballs – all fat and spherical – and probably best without a screen. Maybe an actual football – clever.

Apple vs Samsung US Declaration

[via PC World]

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