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Growing on the Vine: The Wolverine “Tweaser”


Vine, the 6-second video startup that is Twitter’s little sister, may have had its first “big moment” today as the first footage of Marvel’s new film The Wolverine was released through the service.

The six second teaser clip, or “tweaser” (I know) was tweeted by director James Mangold, and is a departure from the traditional platforms for movie teasers and trailers such as YouTube and Apple’s iTunes.

It’s a rapid fire cut through sword, guns, fights, and a bare-chested Hugh Jackman – so just about everything you would expect from a trailer but cut down to six seconds. The full length trailers are set to follow in a couple of days, but with a high octane action movie with a central character so well developed, I’m not sure you need any more to get an idea of what the film will involve.

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