
3 tips to step up your social media game

Whether you’re using it for business or personal reasons, social media is part of our everyday lives. In fact, according to studies conducted by The Pew Research Center this year, 7 in 10 Americans are using some form of social media to either connect with other people, share information, engage in news content or to simply entertain themselves. So how can you utilize this platform in the best way possible? With so many avenues, technologies and options available to us, it’s important to figure how we can enjoy social media and take advantage of all its capabilities. Check out a few ways to make this happen.

1. Make use of management software

Regardless or whether you’re a business or an individual, there will surely be some secondary app or software that could enhance your social media experience and make it more streamlined. The basic programs are ones that track your followers, keep an updated account of who you’re following, who’s following you and if somebody unfollows you. This is good to have as a simple way to remain aware. Other software include programs for scheduling posts, so that you don’t always have to stop to post something. Rather, you can sit down and write them all out at once and schedule one post a day for the rest of the week. For businesses specifically, or those who are looking to move into “influencer” status, a tool that analyzes your posts is a must. You’ll be able to use that information to see what posts work for you and how to optimize future activity.

2. Use the best devices

Whether you’re using a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone, a high-quality device will always make your experience better. You’ll want devices that are equipped with the best mobile platforms, specifically ones that are fast and energy efficient so you can post and stay engaged with your network at any time and from anywhere. Not only will this allow you to take social media everywhere with you, but by using a fast device, you avoid any hassles and save time to continuing engaging with the platform. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon mobile platform allows for all of these benefits and more. Other handy devices to have for social media can also be a portable phone charger and mobile hotspot to ensure you always have a strong internet connection.

3. Stay informed

Being part of the ever-growing digital age means being witness to social media’s constant change. As companies like Facebook and Snapchat continue to improve on each other, there are always new tools, features and accessories that are there to make your social media experience better and more advanced. Be sure to stay informed of these features by either reading the relevant news sources and following companies on social media. Oftentimes you may find that certain platforms can get repetitive or boring, however by keeping on top of updates, you can ensure that you’re always on your toes and remain excited about your social media activity. Current features to be aware of include Instagram stories, Facebook Live and the new Snapchat interface.

Social media is a big part of a lot of people’s lives, but are they all using it to its full capabilities? Make use of these quick tips to optimize your social media experience and continue engaging with your favourite networks.

Photograph by Lobo Studio Hamburg