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8 tips on how to protect your data as a business

Did you know that Yahoo holds the record for the largest data breach of all time? Over 3 billion accounts on Yahoo got compromised due to a lack of adequate data protection. If you plan on running a successful business then you owe it to yourself and to your customers that you protect your data.

Data protection seems like a broad thing to accomplish, especially without the help of managed IT services. With that being said, there are tons of things that you can do to enhance your cybersecurity, like using antivirus programs.

The good news is that you’re in the perfect place to learn some of these helpful tips that will give you the best data protection. Keep reading this article to learn more today.

1. Use strong passwords

One of the easiest ways for hackers to get ahold of your information and the information of your customers is through weak passwords. Something as simple as a weak password could ruin your business’s reputation and cost you millions of dollars. This is the easiest step that you can take to decrease your odds of facing a data breach.

Basic things like easy number patterns and your favorite pet’s name aren’t going to cut it in this day and age. A novice hacker will find a way past that password and into all of your vulnerable files that contain things like customer financial information and even social security numbers.

The best way to make sure that you’re using strong passwords is to mix capital letters with lowercase letters, include numbers, and make sure that you’re using special characters. The more digits there are in your password, the stronger it will be and the more likely you’ll be to protect your data.

2. Use firewalls

There is a reason why firewalls got invented in the first place. Firewalls are essential to have if you want to protect your business’s network and all of the sensitive information that is held within. It is a great idea to think about investing in and setting up firewalls for your business with the help of a cybersecurity consultant.

Firewalls will help you to monitor the internet traffic from your business network. This is huge for finding a way to prevent a data breach and protect your data. If you want to reap the benefits of getting a firewall then you’re better off getting one that you pay for.

Paid firewall services are much more effective than the free variety. Combine this with help from a managed service provider near me for the best results when keeping your data safe.

3. Use antivirus software

Antivirus programs are also a great resource that you should opt to use at your business. Antivirus programs will prevent and detect any type of malware that makes its way onto your network or your devices. The best antivirus software will even get rid of these viruses for you.

This is a vital safety measure that you need to use in order to keep the information that belongs to your customers safe. It will give them peace of mind when doing business with you.

4. Update your software

Another common cause for a data breach when it comes to companies is software that needed to get updated. It is easy to put off getting these software updates but they can cause a major headache and cost you a lot of money. Make sure that you’re keeping all of your software programs updated on a consistent basis.

5. Smartphones and laptops

Many of your employees use their smartphones and laptops on a variety of public networks while doing work for your company. This is important to remember as it makes the odds of a data breach through their devices much more likely. A good strategy to take is to consider getting your employees’ laptops encryption as a way to keep the data safe.

You also need to face the reality that it is much easier for people to steal laptops and smartphones. This is a big threat to the data protection of your business so it is important to use strong passwords and encryption on these devices as a way to protect your data from those that wish to steal it.

6. Use backups

Backing up your data to a cloud or server is a huge deal when it comes to data protection for your business. One of the worst disasters that you could face is losing all of your data due to your network or devices crashing. You need to make sure that you’re scheduling data backups for all of your devices.

Getting data back that you’ve lost is almost impossible and it will prevent your business from focusing on operations. A simple backup is a much better alternative to losing thousands of dollars in revenue.

7. Train your staff

Training your staff is also vital if you want to ensure that you’re taking measures to protect your data. A huge reason for data breaches is phishing scams via email. Train your employees on the things to look for when it comes to potential phishing scams and you’ll find that your data is much safer.

There are certain training that you can get through a cybersecurity consultant that will help them identify things that are suspicious when working online.

8. Monitor current security measures

You also need to take a long and hard look at the security measures that you already have in place. Look at how they’re holding up and how they’re helping your business to protect your data. It will also help you to determine if you need to take steps to replace your security measures and to find any weaknesses.

Start taking measures to protect your data

Choosing to take steps to protect your data is a huge part of being a successful business owner but you don’t have to do it alone. There are little things that you can do on your own, like encourage strong passwords and be diligent about updating software programs. You should also get help from managed IT services to find weaknesses and get encryption on devices.