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Why a CDN is important for your business website

The 21st century has been by and large about technology around human life. Technology drives a significant chunk of human life today. Most aspects of our growth have shifted in the digital world. Over the years businesses have realized how they cannot look past E-commerce and they need to have an online presence. Thankfully, due to exponential growth and easy accessibility of internet in a short time, web space and hosting services have become available at incredibly low prices. Moreover, platforms such as WordPress have made web management super easy for most users. As a result of most business owners get a domain and hosting service for a few hundred dollars and launch their website.

It is, in fact, great that small businesses realize the importance of having a digital property of their own. However, most business owners are unaware that while these basic websites, which are mostly hosted on shared servers are great for low traffic sites, but they will start creating problems once you step into your growth stage. Reduced speed, delays in data transfer, website crashes due to reduced load management, and data breach is some of the worst possibilities that can occur. If you feel your business has come through its teething face and is now growing enough to be receiving a constant flow of traffic you should consider investing in a CDN. Here is how CDN Networks can help your growing business.


The primary reason why you considered investing in having an online presence is that customers today like to shop around from the comfort of their couches. The reason why customers prefer online dealings over conventional methods is that of the support, convenience, and speed that it allows. If the ease is taken out of the equation and is replaced by network delays and system crashes, then the whole idea of E-commerce will become pointless.

Under such circumstances, you will quickly lose out your customers to your competitors who will be offering better user experience. Unfortunately, as your business will grow, the traffic on your site is likely to increase, and your site will be more vulnerable to performance issues. Investing in a CDN network will help you keep such risks at bay and provide a smooth user experience to your customers.

The surge in Web traffic

Your latest ad campaign went viral on the social media, and suddenly there is a massive influx of customers on your website. Or you just announced a fantastic contest and everyone is hitting you to be able to participate. In either case, you will experience an unforeseen surge in web traffic and your website will be vulnerable to crashing down due to inability to take the load of traffic. Getting a CDN service will equip you to be able to handle such influxes smoothly without any hindrance.

The DDOS nightmare

One of the worst business nightmares that will render you helpless is your site coming under a DDOS attack and becoming unavailable for hours. Other than losing out on customers during those hours, you can also lose out essential sales and leads that your site had generated for you. The risks of DDOS attacks can be quickly fielded by opting for a CDN service and ensure that your customers continue to get an uninterrupted experience in a secure environment.