Android apps

Apps for students

Today, there’s an app for almost everything that you might want to do. Whether it’s shopping, entertainment, technology support, learning something new, scheduling your day and setting reminders, or even self-improvement and progression, you’ll be able to find an app that you can download from the App Store on your smartphone or tablet. For students, apps can be extremely useful for supporting you with various parts of your degree course. Whether you’re studying on a health or sciences program or are pursuing online MBA tuition course, there are a range of apps which you can use to maximize your success. We’ve listed some of the most useful types apps for students.

Timetable apps

Whether you are studying from home and need to put together your own timetable for study, or simply want to have a digital reminder of your class timetable on campus, there are many great timetabling apps that you can choose from across the various smartphone operating systems. When looking for a timetabling app, the best kinds will allow push notifications, meaning that you’ll be notified when you have a class, lecture or appointment coming up and helping you to keep on top of the work that you have to do.

E-reading apps

As a student, reading is going to be an important part of the next four or so years of your life. And, when you’re paying the tuition costs for online MBA programs, you’re going to want to save as much money as possible on the other costs of studying for your degree. Using an e-reader can be one great way to do this with many discounted digital books and more available. However, there’s no need to go and splash out on an Amazon Kindle or similar device, as many smartphones and tablets can double up as an e-reader with the right app.


Planning your time, money and everything else wisely is going to be the key to your success as a student. Many students often find themselves with much to do and very little time to do it in, which is where spreadsheet applications can come in handy for helping you to work things out, such as the amount of time that you can designate to each study period or even helping you to plan your budget for your tuition fees or your student accommodation.

Voucher and discount shopping apps

Many students will live on a tight budget during their time at university. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to spend four years of your life saying no to the things that you’d like to have. Shopping apps are becoming more and more popular, with many different apps available where you can find voucher codes and exclusive discounts, with some designed exclusively for students to use in order to save themselves some money.

Do you use apps to help you with various parts of student life? If so, which ones do you use and why? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Photograph by Torsten Dettlaff