
Key benefits of cloud computing for your business


All the latest buzz is about working in the Cloud and how doing so offers amazing benefits to any business. While you hear over and over again that the key benefit is in the fact that could-based computing is extremely accessible from any computer and any location around the globe, that doesn’t seem to be enough to convince you to revamp your current system of operations just to follow a trend.

Actually, that is only one of literally dozens of reasons why cloud computing is beneficial and if you are still wondering why all the hype, here are some of the key benefits that your business could take advantage of.

Ease of Use

Whenever a company loads software platforms on to their local computers it goes without saying that soon it will be necessary to install updates and patches to keep the programs running smoothly or to fix bugs that were missed in the previous releases. When operating cloud-based platforms none of that will fall back on your shoulders or those of your tech department.

The cloud-based software provider will be responsible for all updates which will happen seamlessly in the background most of the time. Even those pre-announced times when servers may be brought down for maintenance will require nothing from you other than to be aware of the times your server will be temporarily down and inaccessible.

Cost Effective

Since you will not need to install software on a multitude of hard drives, the cost of running Cloud based programs is significantly cheaper. Also, many such as Claritum can reduce the amount of labour required to be continually monitoring the market for better prices. Once you have established a maximum you want to spend, Claritum can identify suppliers who meet your requirements and can help you find what you need within your budget. Just think of the time that will save your procurement team? If that isn’t cost effective, little is!

Data Loss Prevention

When storing data on your local machines you always need to run regular periodic backups to ensure that you will not lose important data if some calamity should befall your computers. From natural disasters to cyber vandalism, there is always a danger of losing a significant amount of vital information. Cloud based servers back up data as an included service and that data is not stored in the same location. If floods, hurricanes, fires, volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters should befall the primary Cloud server, there is always one or more ‘backup’ server on the Cloud that has a copy of your data. As far as data loss prevention goes, there is nothing safer.

High Level Security

Speaking of safety, there is always some amount of concern that your computer will be breached due to a malicious attack. Whether the hacker is trying to gain access to information for nefarious reasons or simply wants to cause a bit of mayhem, you will always need to keep the latest updated security programs loaded onto each and every computer your employees use in the course of their jobs. Even personal devices can be vulnerable to attack if they access the mainframe or store data with their computers and mobile devices. Cloud based platforms automatically stay updated with the latest security and security patches.

There are dozens of other benefits you may be interested in but these are important enough to help you understand why there is so much buzz about Cloud computing. If you are looking for easily accessible, cost-effective solutions for your business, you’ll find them in the Cloud.

Photograph by ColossusCloud